
Dato' Muhammad Adam Abdullah D.S.I.S
LL.B (Hons) (Malaya)
Admitted to the Malaysian Bar in 1996

Academic Achievements

  • One of the top scorers in the Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia examinations in 1990 by scoring the maximum of 5 principal A's.
  • Graduated with the LL.B (Hons) from the University of Malaya in 1995 and was placed at the top ten students in the graduating class of 1995.
  • Represented the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya as a student delegate to the ASEAN law students conference in Singapore in 1995.
  • Represented University of Malaya as a mooter to the Phillip C. Jessup International Moot Court competition in Philadelphia and Washington D.C in 1995.


  • Extensive experience in litigation and arbitration involving commercial contracts, company law and practice, commercial law, share sale agreements, general civil litigation, medico-legal law, law relating to local government, landlord and tenant, labour law, tortious claims, land law, law relating to trustees, administration and probate, partnership law, taxation law and quasi-criminal practice.
  • Appeared and had conduct of matters in the Federal Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, Subordinate Courts as well as the Industrial and Labour Courts.
  • Appeared and had conduct of matters before the Special Commisioners of Income Tax, Arbitration and Disciplinary Tribunals. Prepared legal opinions and rendered legal advise to public listed companies and private limited companies.
  • Appearing as Counsel to His Royal Highness Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, The Sultan of Selangor, His Highness Tengku Suleiman Shah Alhaj, The Tengku Panglima of Selangor and members of the Royal Family of Selangor relating to the Estate of His Late Majesty Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj, a former Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia and related matters.
  • Regular speaker at two of Malaysia's premier institutions of higher learning on matters related to contract, employment and tort law.
  • Dato' Adam also chairs the Disciplinary Committee of Bar Council.

S. Maniarasan a/l Sinniah
LL.B (Hons) (Malaya), LL.M (Cambridge)
Admitted to the Malaysian Bar in 1996

Academic Achievements

  • Obtained 5A's in Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia public examinations in 1990, one of the only 62 candidates to obtain 5A's throughout the country.
  • Sole candidate to be awarded a First Class Honours Degree in Law, University of Malaya, 1995.
  • Awarded the prestigious Puan Sri Haseenah Abdoolcader Gold Medal for emerging as the best final year student for the degree of Bachelor of Laws.
  • Awarded The Lord President of Malaysia award (overall best final year law student, University of Malaya),
  • Awarded The Chief Justice of Malaya award (overall best third year law student, University of Malaya)
  • Awarded The Chief Justice of Borneo award (overall best second year law student, University of Malaya)
  • Awarded The Bar Council of Malaysia award (overall best first year law student, University of Malaya);
  • Awarded book prizes for being the top student in various law subjects in the final year law examinations, University of Malaya.
  • Awarded Cambridge Chevening Scholarship by the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust to pursue his Master of Laws degree at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom,.
  • Graduated with an LL.M degree specialising in the area of International Trade Finance, Commercial Finance, International Sales, Commercial Insurance Law and International Commercial Litigation.
  • Awarded the Fellowship of the Cambridge Commonwealth Society in 1998.


  • Appeared and had conduct of matters in the Federal Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, Subordinate Courts as well as the Industrial and Labour Courts.
  • Extensive experience in handling litigation involving corporate banking, Islamic banking, corporate disputes involving, among others, share sale agreements, profit guarantee agreements, international commercial disputes, international trade finance disputes, corporate disputes involving corporate acquisitions, private share acquisitions, private equity investment, joint venture agreement, litigation involving non-motor insurance claim construction contract, building contract, injunctions, international trade, land dealings, landlord and tenant, international trade, trade finance disputes, corporate insolvency, bankruptcy, employment and industrial relations disputes. He has also conducted arbitration proceedings and hearings of criminal litigation.
  • Prepared legal opinions and rendered various legal advice to public listed companies and private limited companies on various legal issues.
  • Maniarasan was also involved in teaching undergraduates as a part-time lecturer in Commercial Insurance Law, Conflict of Laws, Family Law and Consumer Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya from 1995 to 2000.

Adlina Atikah Binti Zainal Abidin
LL.B (Hons) (UiTM)
Admitted to the Malaysian Bar in 2017

Academic Achievements

  • Graduated with Diploma in Public Administration from the University Technology Mara in 2012
  • Graduated with BLS (Hons) from the University Technology Mara in 2015
  • Graduated with LL.B (Hons) from the University Technology Mara in 2016
  • Called to the Malaysian Bar on 24th February 2017

Past Experience

  • Area of practice is general and civil litigation;
  • Handle matters relating to contractual disputes, company law and practice, landlord and tenant, tortious claims, defamations, land disputes, banking and finance, injunctions, corporate insolvency and bankruptcy, debt recovery, execution proceedings and employment disputes;
  • Experience in drafting various types of documents and/or cause papers;
  • Preparing legal opinions and rendered legal advice on various legal issues to clients including on litigation strategy;
  • Participated and advice clients in any settlement negotiations;
  • Appeared and had conduct matters for the corporations in the Industrial Court for non-compliance and dismissal claims;
  • Appeared and had conduct matters for the financial institutions, corporations and individuals in litigation before the Subordinate Court, High Courts and Court of Appeal;
  • Assisted in matters at the Federal Court